
Our Reason for Being?

Perceptions Challenged Ltd, provides training, development & support services, advice, activities & events that enable, primarily but not exclusively, young people and their communities to have a voice, be able to build confidence and self esteem within themselves, enough for each of them to be able to make tangible achievements and to have the opportunity to realise their individual and collective potential.

Perceptions Challenged Ltd further aims to bring hope to young people and their communities that we work with, through the creation, development & growth of legitimate small business projects thereby enabling young people and their communities, to have a stake in the survival and economic growth of their community by being an engine of their community’s economic survival and success.

Specifically, Perceptions Challenged Ltd (a.k.a perceptionschallenged.co.uk) promotes social responsibility & citizenship by increasing social inclusion and reducing antiā€social behaviour, addressing lifestyle problems such as obesity and employability experienced by all sections of society.

In order to achieve this, we provide outdoor education, crime diversionary activities such as arts & culture, sport, and provide volunteering and work experience opportunities.

Specifically, We Provide;

Youth Support and Development

Community Support & Development

Small Business Development